Thursday, 2 May 2013

Taking The Plunge – Are you ready for LED lighting?

By Megaman's Adrian Kitching

Since old fashioned incandescent light bulbs have recently been banned by governments around the world, most home owners have had to consider low energy alternatives to replace defunct light bulbs. And the favourite choice now is LED (Light Emitting Diode) bulbs, which are currently leading the field in terms of energy savings, product life and ease of use. But how many of us understand the ways in which LED bulbs are different to incandescent models, and how to ensure that when we upgrade our lighting we actually make the right choices?

Let’s start with some basic facts about LED bulbs.

Basically, they offer a number of significant advantages to the obsolete incandescent types:

 1.  Major power savings. LEDs use approximately five times less energy as incandescent bulbs. As an example, you can replace an old 40W reading light bulb with an 8W LED. And since LEDs offer a more focused light, the energy savings could be up to 90%, and you can therefore have a lower-wattage bulb. 
 2.  Cleaner’ Product. LEDs are non-toxic, and in particular contain no mercury.. 
 3.  Less Heat. Much less heat is produced by LED bulbs, in comparison with incandescent lights. That is especially important in Southern climates where air-conditioning is used.
4.  Longer Life.  LED bulbs do not need to be replaced very often – they can last up to twenty years in regular use. 
 5.  Better Investment. They do cost more to buy, but when you consider their longer life and energy savings, they are a great investment.

So, when the time comes to replace old light bulbs, LEDs are the obvious choice, but how do we go about making the right selection for our home? There are so many styles, sizes, shapes and special formats on the market now, how do you know which is the right one?

Here are some tips to help you make the right decision…..

Consider how much brightness you need

Back in the bad old days, we all got used to measuring a light bulb’s brightness simply by its wattage. A 60 Watt bulb gave us an average light output for most domestic situations. However, wattage actually measures the amount of electrical energy a light bulb uses – a lot of which is given out as heat. Clearly, an LED will use fewer watts to generate the same amount of light.To make sure that you get an LED with sufficient light output, you will need to get used to measuring brightness in lumens. An old fashioned 60-watt incandescent bulb generates about 800 lumens, so to get an equivalent, you need to look for an LED rated at 800 lumens of light output. A lot of LED packaging will tell you what wattage of incandescent bulb the lamp would be equivalent to.
What about quality of light?

Depending on where you are planning to use the LED bulbs, the quality of light may well be an important factor. Light quality is generally measured by CRI or Colour Rendering Index. This number indicates how accurately the bulb illuminates colours on a scale from 1 to 100. If you plan to use the lamp frequently – say in a living room - or it is going to be used in a prominent location like an entrance hall, CRI is a very important metric to consider. However, if it’s going to go into an airing cupboard or toilet, CRI isn’t as crucial. CRI ratings in excess of 80 and above are indications of very good colour rendering.
Are “warm” or “cool” light colours important?

There is a wide variety of LED bulbs available now, offering a range of light “colour temperatures” in Degrees Kelvin, or simply “K”. How do you know what colour temperature works for you? Colour temperatures with high K ratings, 6,000 or more, are classified as 'cool' colours, while those with lower K ratings, 3,500 or less, are classified as 'warm.' You will find most retailers referring to their products as cool white and warm white LED Bulbs. Warm white bears a close resemblance to the light produced by halogens and incandescent bulbs. It is soft, easy on the eyes and promotes a comfortable and domestic aesthetic. As a rule of thumb, warm white bulbs should be used in 'habitat' spaces, such as living rooms, hallways and bedrooms, and as general illumination. In contrast, cool white is a very bright, sharp white light; less suitable for domestic spaces where the brightness of the light can be too harsh and even create a clinical effect.
What shape or type of LED Bulb Do You Need?

LEDs now come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, and will be suitable for replacing just about any kind of incandescent light bulb. You will now find LED globe light bulbs, chandelier light bulbs, and reflector light bulbs – along with lots of newly manufactured shades, lamps and fixings that have them built-in.
The traditional “light bulb” shapes are designed to give an all-round source of light, for instance in a table lamp or ceiling fitting, and are known as “omni-directional”. Reflector types are designed to give light off in one direction, so they’re best for overhead lighting, spotlights, and display lighting. 

 How about replacing incandescent bulbs in dimming systems?

Unfortunately, many old incandescent dimmers aren’t fully compatible with LED lighting, so you need to be careful when considering dimming. Many of the newer types of LED light bulb do have dimming capabilities - a great option if you want to save even more energy and control the room’s ambient environment. But you may need to invest in an LED-specific dimmer. If you’re looking for a dimmable LED, carefully check the specification on the bulb’s packaging and make sure you control it with a compatible dimmer.
Some don’t like it hot!

LED based light bulbs work best when they are kept cool. If you use an LED outdoors in winter or inside a refrigerator, it will actually last longer. However, excessive heat can cause problems, particularly as LEDs exposed to extreme heat may degrade more quickly over time. So, if you plan to use them in an area that can get hot (like in overhead recessed spotlights) it would be better to invest in high-temperature specification types which use an advanced cooling system – like the types produced by Megaman. 

           And finally, how can you actually get the ball rolling to take advantage of LED technology in your home?
      Right at the beginning it takes a little research effort - initially you need to go round your home and make a note of all the bulbs you are currently using – including wattage (60W, 100W etc.), type of fixture (screw, bayonet etc.), bulb type (reflector, standard, golf ball, etc.) size and colour (warm, cool, etc.). Also approximately how much usage each bulb gets.

Next you need to figure out the type of LED bulb which can be used to replace each incandescent type in terms of lumens, shape, size and fixture. Check out dimming requirements carefully, then make a comprehensive list and check prices on the Internet or through lighting retail outlets
All that’s needed then is to make the investment, change the bulbs, and start making real savings on your electricity bill!

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Thursday, 17 January 2013

Choosing energy saving light bulbs for your home?

This downloadable guide tells you what you need to know and how to choose the right one.

Old-fashioned (incandescent) light bulbs have now been virtually withdrawn from sale in the UK – and many other countries as well. So we all have to start using energy saving types now. Fortunately, energy saving light bulbs are good for the environment, cheaper to run and they last longer too.

This comprehensive guide from Ricability explains the different type of bulbs available, some of the jargon involved, and illustrates clearly where and how you can get the best from the latest technology. The guide includes some results of tests carried out by Which? (Full test results are available to subscribers at, where you can also find free advice).

The guide explains the different types of bulb available, as well as specific industry terms like Light, Brightness, and Colour, and the key difference between Wattage (the old fashioned term for bulb brightness) and Lumens, the actual measure of light output now being used when choosing a bulb. It even explains how dimmers and timers can be used to create more flexible lighting schemes.

Download the guide HERE.

Information on Megaman Energy Saving lamps HERE.

Friday, 11 January 2013

Confused about replacing your old light bulbs with LEDs?

This new LED comparison site checks quality, performance and price across manufacturers

Great to see that the first independent British LED lighting comparison website, designed to help consumers make an informed decision on which LED lamps to buy, has now gone on line. Which LED Light (  uses a  powerful search engine to give consumers an opportunity to learn more about the sector, showcase the best products on the market and help them find the LED lamp they are looking for at the most competitive price.

Despite many articles and guidance notes from major lighting manufacturers, there remains a great deal of confusion regarding the subject of LED replacement lamps since the ban on supplying the older style incandescent lamps came into force internationally. This confusion has even affected major retailers, some of whom are unable to recommend like-for-like replacement LED based light bulbs.

The new comparison site’s founder, James Nelson, believes that the new facility will be able to offer a unique level of completely unbiased advice about the large choice of LED bulbs now on the market.
He says: “With a wealth of products on the market, the world of LED lamps is still very confusing for the average consumer, particularly if you are switching from traditional lighting methods for the first time, and we want to make the process easier with Which LED Light aims to bring clarity to the market, comparing the best quality products on the market and helping the end user make an informed decision about their LED lamp purchase.”

"Through the site we want to educate people about the advantages of using LED bulbs, but more importantly we want them to be aware that the true benefits of LED lamps can only be found in top quality products from recognised manufacturers. We therefore only feature products from leading manufacturers like Megaman, Toshiba and Verbatim, who provide products which have been independently tested to meet strict performance and safety criteria."

Contact details for Which LED Light are:
Which LED Light
Sony UK Technology Centre
Pencoed Technology Park
CF35 5HZ