Wednesday 17 November 2010


Megaman, one of the world's largest manufacturers of energy saving light bulbs, is calling for an international ban on unsafe bulbs which contain mercury in liquid form. The entire range of lighting products from Megaman are free of liquid mercury, and consumer safety is being compromised by lax regulations which allow inferior – and potentially hazardous - products to be sold through shops and Internet retailers. Megaman is actively lobbying at the EU in Brussels and in other European countries.

The company has carried out exhaustive research into what happens when different types of low energy bulbs – known as CFLs - get broken in a confined space. While those types which use a safe form of amalgam are safe when broken, those which contain liquid mercury can release mercury vapour in concentrations which far exceed internationally agreed safety limits.

While mercury in various solid and liquid forms has to be used to make all fluorescent lights (including low energy bulbs) work properly, it does not have to be used in its most dangerous liquid form, but can be used safely in a solid amalgam form combined with other elements.

Check these links out for more information:

Megaman's full press announcement:

Technical white paper (pdf format) on use of amalgam in low energy light bulbs:

Megaman and its products in the UK:

Megaman global organisation:

Thursday 6 May 2010

Improve Your Lighting while saving energy!

Think LEDs!

Did you know that LED lamps not only save huge amounts of electricity, but last far longer than conventional lights too?

For example the latest 7 Watt Megaman mains voltage LED Reflector lamp produces the light equivalent of a traditional 35 Watt halogen spotlight. These lamps also have a rated life of around 20,000 hours, far exceeding both conventional (incandescent) and halogen lamps.

Based on over 10 years of research and development, these lamps are direct plug-in replacements for halogen spots in terms of both colour temperature and intensity, but with energy savings of up to 80%.They are available as direct replacements for GU10, Par 16, Par 20, Par 30 and AR111 type halogen lamps.

The average cost of ownership shows a payback in under 4000 hours operation, making a change from traditional halogen spotlights to LED Reflectors now very affordable and sensible for the environment.

The new Megaman range represents a major breakthrough in LED lighting, as it solves a number of key issues that have so far limited the take-up of these light sources in consumer applications. The result is that energy consumption and heat generation have been minimised, while maximising operational life and delivering three times more light output than other LEDs for the same wattage. I think these are going to be very popular replacements for halogen bulbs.

Tuesday 27 April 2010

Low Energy Lighting Questions?
- Just watch the videos!

You will have noticed significant media and Internet comment during the past year or so, highlighting the fact that many ordinary light bulbs– that’s the traditional incandescent types – have now been withdrawn from general sale in the UK.

This has raised a number of issues, including the way in which the switch over from incandescent to low energy light bulbs was handled by the Government, health & safety concerns, recycling challenges, the perceived economics of using the new types, and complaints about both performance and light quality.

In order to clarify the facts of what is clearly a complex scenario, we’ve produced a collection of five short videos which have now been posted on YouTube. They feature interviews with Adrian Kitching, Megaman Uk’s Sales Director. He explains simply how common misconceptions have complicated the current situation, and what the true facts are.

If you’ve got unanwered questions about compact fluorescent lamps – that’s CFLs or low energy light bulbs – I’m sure you’ll get the answers by watching these compelling clips. Here are the YouTube links….

· The Switch over from incandescent to low energy light bulbs

· Health & Safety Issues of low energy light bulbs

· Not all low energy light bulbs are dim, slow and unattractive

· How low energy light bulbs can save you money

· Recycling low energy light bulbs